porousMultiphaseFoam Documentation

Welcome to the porousMultiphaseFoam PMFv2303 documentation.

PMF is an open-source toolbox dedicated to simulation of flow and transport processes in porous media. It is based on the OpenFOAM environment and therefore benefits from its multiple feature such as pre- and post-processing tools or parallel efficiency for example.

Initially developed for the modeling of two-phase flow in porous media (using the IMPES method), PMF was then extended to the hydrology, with two complementary approaches: a 3D unsaturated code solving the Richards’ equation and a low-cost 2D saturated code (using Dupuit’s assumption)..

A multi-specie transport module, coupled or decoupled, has been developed and can be used either with unsaturated or saturated solvers.

Multiple features have been added to help set up of realistic models :

  • event file structures to handle time-varying source points or boundary conditions

  • DEM/XY file structures to use topological data

  • numerical methods for time-stepping and non-linear solvers.

Validation and development details can be found in this document or in the Publications
